

8 minutes

How to Ask the Best Employee Development Conversation Questions

Global HR



Lorelei Trisca


July 29, 2024

Last Update

August 12, 2024

Table of Contents

Tips for asking the right career development questions

Meaningful development questions to ask employees

Enable your people’s career development with Deel Engage

Employee development conversations are crucial for fostering growth, motivation, and alignment within an organization. These discussions provide a platform for managers and employees to connect on career aspirations, set achievable goals, and identify areas for improvement. However, asking the right questions and interpreting the answers effectively requires preparation and a thoughtful approach.

This article will explore best practices and techniques for engaging in meaningful development conversations. We also curated a comprehensive list of questions to guide these discussions. By leveraging these strategies, managers can ensure that their conversations are productive, insightful, and beneficial for both the employee and the organization.

Tips for asking the right career development questions

Engaging in meaningful development conversations with employees fosters growth, motivation, and alignment within an organization. Here are some best practices and techniques for managers to effectively guide these conversations:

Prepare thoroughly

Before the conversation, gather relevant information about the employee’s recent performance, accomplishments, and areas for improvement.

Techniques you can try:

  • Review performance review data, feedback from peers, and any previous learning and development plans
  • Set clear objectives for the conversation to ensure it is focused and productive

Create a supportive environment

Ensure the conversation occurs in a comfortable, private setting where the employee feels safe sharing openly.

Techniques you can try:

  • Schedule a dedicated time for the conversation, free from interruptions
  • Start with a positive note to set a constructive tone

Use open-ended questions

Ask questions that encourage employees to reflect and provide detailed responses.

Techniques you can try:

  • Use questions like, “What do you love most about your role?” or “What challenges have you faced recently?” to prompt introspection
  • Avoid yes/no questions, which can limit the depth of the conversation
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Focus on specific goals

Help employees set clear, achievable development goals aligning with their career aspirations and organizational objectives.

Techniques you can try:

  • Guide them in setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
  • Encourage using frameworks like OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) to track progress

Encourage ambition

Best practice: Foster a culture that supports ambitious career goals and personal growth. Techniques you can try:

  • Ask about their long-term career aspirations and what steps they think are necessary to achieve them.
  • Provide opportunities for employees to take on challenging projects or roles that align with their goals.

Align goals with company objectives

Ensure that the employee’s development goals contribute to the broader goals of the organization.

Techniques you can try:

  • Discuss how their personal goals can align with and support the company’s strategic objectives
  • Identify any skills or competencies that need development to achieve these aligned goals

Encourage self-reflection

Promote self-awareness by encouraging employees to reflect on their experiences and learnings.

Techniques you can try:

  • Ask reflective questions such as, “What accomplishment are you most proud of?” or “What did you learn from your last project?”
  • Encourage them to keep a development journal to track their growth and insights

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Tailor the approach to individual needs

Recognize that each employee is unique and may require different approaches to development.

Techniques you can try:

  • Customize development plans to fit their learning style, career stage, and personal goals
  • Be flexible and adaptive in your approach to meet their individual needs

By following these best practices and techniques, managers can engage in more meaningful and effective development conversations, driving personal and organizational growth.

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Meaningful development questions to ask employees

What do you love most about your role?

This question helps identify what aspects of the job are most fulfilling to the employee, highlighting their strengths and passions.

Tip: Look for enthusiasm and alignment with their strengths. Consider how you can incorporate more of these elements into their daily tasks.

If you could change one aspect of your role, what would it be?

Identifying areas of dissatisfaction can help prevent burnout and improve job satisfaction.

Tip: Listen for common themes or recurring issues. Address any feasible changes to enhance their work experience.

What are your short-term and long-term goals?

Understanding their goals helps align their career path with organizational objectives.

Tip: Look for alignment with organizational goals and potential growth areas. Support them with resources or opportunities to achieve these goals.

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What accomplishment are you most proud of in your current role/team?

Recognizing accomplishments boosts morale and highlights their strengths and contributions.

Tip: Celebrate their successes and explore how they can leverage these achievements for future projects.

What is your dream job? How far do you think you are from achieving that?

This reveals their ultimate career aspirations and current satisfaction with their career trajectory.

Tip: Identify steps or opportunities to bridge the gap between their current role and their dream job.

What drives you?

Knowing what motivates employees helps tailor tasks and incentives to maintain high engagement.

Tip: Align their motivations with their responsibilities and provide relevant rewards or recognition.

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Meaningful Employee Recognition Ideas to Boost Morale

Who do you admire in this organization or industry? What is it about them that inspires you?

This can provide insight into the qualities and skills they value and aspire to develop.

Tip: Consider pairing them with mentors who exhibit these traits or skills.

How connected do you feel to the organization’s goals?

Gauging their connection to the organization’s goals can indicate their level of engagement and alignment with the company.

Tip: Strengthen this connection by regularly communicating how their work contributes to broader objectives.

What do you find most challenging about your job? Is it stressful, or does it push you toward growth?

Understanding their challenges can help address stressors and turn them into growth opportunities.

Tip: Provide support or training to help them overcome these challenges and grow professionally.

What would your perfect working day look like? Could we make it a reality?

This helps identify what makes them most productive and satisfied.

Tip: Implement feasible elements of their ideal day to enhance job satisfaction and productivity.

Is there any skill that you need to develop? How would it help you in your daily tasks?

Identifying skill gaps allows for targeted development initiatives.

Tip: Provide resources or training programs to help them acquire these skills.

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If we could invent an entirely new role that perfectly suits you, what would it be?

This encourages creative thinking about their ideal job and can reveal untapped potential.

Tip: Explore ways to incorporate elements of this role into their current position or future opportunities.

What’s the best career advice you’ve received? How has following it made a difference for you?

This can reveal guiding principles that have shaped their career and may provide insights into their decision-making process.

Tip: Reinforce and build upon these principles in your guidance and support.

What projects or responsibilities would you like to take on? What experiences or achievements do you consider essential for taking on higher-stake tasks?

This shows their readiness and ambition for new challenges and growth.

Tip: Provide opportunities for them to take on these responsibilities and experiences.

Which method of learning do you prefer?

Understanding their preferred learning style helps tailor development opportunities.

Tip: Offer training and development programs that align with their preferred learning methods.

Is there anything that you are particularly passionate about right now?

This can highlight areas of interest they could leverage for professional growth.

Tip: Find ways to incorporate these passions into their work or development plans.

What talent or skill are you not currently using in your role but would like to use?

This can reveal hidden skills and interests that could benefit the organization.

Tip: Explore opportunities to integrate these skills into their current role or future projects.

Have you ever failed to achieve a career goal? If so, what did you learn from the attempt?

Learning from past failures shows resilience and a growth mindset.

Tip: Discuss what they learned and how they can apply these lessons to future goals.

Would you benefit from having a formal mentor? If so, what role or department would you like them to be from?

Mentorship can provide valuable guidance and support for career development.

Tip: Pair them with a mentor who can help them achieve their career goals.

What’s happening in the industry that concerns you?

Understanding their concerns can provide insight into potential challenges and areas for improvement.

Tip: Address these concerns through training, resources, or strategic initiatives.

How do you think [industry trend] will pan out in the next decade?

This reveals their awareness of industry trends and future outlook.

Tip: Discuss how these trends might impact their role and the organization, and plan accordingly.

What would you do first if you were made CEO of this company tomorrow?

This can provide insight into their strategic thinking and priorities.

Tip: Consider their suggestions for potential improvements or strategic initiatives.

What support can we provide over the next 6-12 months to help you get to the next stage in your development?**

Identifying needed support helps tailor development plans to their needs.

Tip: Provide the necessary resources, training, or mentorship to support their development.

What activity would have the most significant impact on your development? Is there anything stopping us from starting right away?

This identifies high-impact development activities and potential barriers.

Tip: Implement these activities and address any barriers to support their growth.

Do you think this organization invests enough in employee development?

Understanding their perception of the company’s investment in development can highlight areas for improvement.

Tip: Use their feedback to enhance development initiatives and demonstrate commitment to employee growth.

What would you like to see done differently?

This can provide valuable suggestions for improving organizational practices.

Tip: Consider and implement feasible suggestions to improve the work environment and processes.

Are you happy with the development plan we’ve set out? If not, what changes would you implement to it?

Ensuring satisfaction with the development plan increases engagement and motivation.

Tip: Adjust the plan based on their feedback to better align with their needs and goals.

Download our career development conversation template to help managers conduct meaningful career conversations.

Enable your people’s career development with Deel Engage

Foster meaningful employee development with Deel Engage, our centralized platform where you can customize, plan, and track development goals and steps:

Book a demo to see how our solutions will help you build a growth-oriented workforce.

With Deel Engage, we can clearly outline career paths and roles aligned with our values, streamline feedback processes, and encourage personal growth.

Christina Bacher,

Team Lead, People and Organization, reev


About the author

Lorelei Trisca is a content marketing manager passionate about everything AI and the future of work. She is always on the hunt for the latest HR trends, fresh statistics, and academic and real-life best practices. She aims to spread the word about creating better employee experiences and helping others grow in their careers.

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