

9 min read

Examples of Positive Employee Feedback Phrases to Drive a High-Performance Workforce

Global HR



Lorelei Trisca


September 23, 2024

Last Update

September 24, 2024

Table of Contents

What is positive employee feedback?

Sample positive employee feedback phrases

Why does giving positive feedback matter?

Build a feedback and growth culture with Deel Engage

Key takeaways
  1. Use targeted phrases to highlight strengths and areas of excellence during performance reviews, boosting employee motivation.
  2. Recognize and commend employees' contributions with specific, effective feedback to reinforce their value to the organization.
  3. Effective performance reviews should be specific and genuine—they must avoid generalizations, vague language, and empty compliments.

Understanding how to provide impactful and positive feedback is essential for fostering a thriving work environment.

This guide covers specific phrases and examples of positive feedback to help you effectively communicate appreciation and recognition to your employees. Learn how to craft feedback that not only recognizes but also inspires and motivates employees toward greater achievements.

What is positive employee feedback?

Positive employee feedback is also known as reinforcing feedback (the opposite is redirecting, which is constructive feedback). It is designed to encourage and motivate employees by highlighting their strengths and accomplishments.

So long as it's delivered effectively, positive feedback improves employee morale and productivity, and promotes a positive work environment.

Why phrasing matters

Pay attention to the way you phrase your feedback. Effective performance review phrases for positive feedback should be specific and genuine. They must avoid generalizations, vague language, and empty compliments.

For example: "You're doing a great job!" is not as effective as "I appreciate the extra effort you put into X project last month. It paid off and produced X results for us."

The first is too general and could apply to anyone, while the second phrase is specific and tailored to the individual.

Another example: "You're the best employee I've ever had!" is not as effective as "I've really enjoyed working with you this past year because you've helped lift morale and boosted our sales profits by X%. You've been a great asset to the team."

The former is over the top and comes across as insincere. But the second phrase gives more detail and highlights the individual's positive impact on the team.

When giving positive feedback, always take the time to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it.

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Sample positive employee feedback phrases

Here are 35 examples of positive feedback phrases for your next 360-degree review or 1:1 meeting. Feel free to use them as templates for your own employee performance reviews.


Strong communication skills are essential in any workplace—they help build trust, foster collaboration, and prevent misunderstandings.

But Gallup research reveals that only 7% of employees feel communication is accurate, timely, and open in their workplace. If this is a problem in your organization, encourage positive communication by sharing some of the following teamwork positive employee feedback phrases:

  1. "I appreciate the way you express your queries and concerns to me. In line with our open-door policy, I always welcome hearing how you're feeling about your workload. This level of feedback assists me in supporting our team members."
  2. "I noticed that you copied me into an email to a client this morning. Thank you for keeping me in the loop on the progress of your project outside of team meetings. It's been beneficial to receive regular updates from you and ensures we're on the same page as we move forward."
  3. "I feel you've adjusted remarkably well to our new remote work communication policy. It can be challenging to communicate virtually, yet you've been doing a great job of using video conferencing and our asynchronous tools to stay in touch."
  4. "One thing I admire about you is your confidence when communicating with clients. You always come across as professional and knowledgeable while using excellent listening skills. This builds trust and credibility."
  5. "Your communication always remains calm and professional even under pressure. We really appreciate how you handle difficult conversations."

Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are essential for every workplace because they resolve conflicts, build working relationships, and foster teamwork. If you have a staff member who excels in this area, let them know with some of the following:

  1. "A coworker has reported how comfortable you made her feel as a new hire and gave her specific examples and ideas for areas of improvement. It takes a lot of patience and thoughtfulness to support others, and I'm grateful you took the time to help her adjust."
  2. "I've noticed you go out of your way to get to know people. You have excellent active listening skills and make an effort to learn about their interests and backgrounds, which helps build strong relationships. This is an important skill in our line of work."
  3. "You always keep an open mind and welcome others' suggestions. This shows a lot of maturity and respect for others, which is essential in a team environment."
  4. "You're very patient with people, even when they might not be having the best day. I know it's tough, but your positivity makes a big difference to those around you."
  5. "I feel you're very diplomatic when dealing with delicate situations. You always find the right words to diffuse the tension and keep everyone calm."

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Problem-solving skills are highly sought-after, with 86% of employers seeking evidence of them during recruitment. Every business faces challenges, and employees need to exercise creativity to find solutions using this valuable soft skill.

If you have an employee who excels in this area, let them know with some of the following:

  1. "You excel at identifying any roadblocks and clearly explaining options and innovative solutions to the team. This allows us to move forward quickly and efficiently, which is vital."
  2. "I know you're very methodical in the way you approach complex problems. You take the time to consider all the options and gather input from others before making a decision. This attention to detail is much appreciated."
  3. "You're not afraid to take risks and think outside the box. I admire your creative thinking and willingness to try new things, even when they might not work out."
  4. "I feel you're very calm and level-headed when dealing with difficult situations. You always come up with creative ideas and find the right solution without panicking or getting upset."
  5. "I know you don't like to give up, even when the odds are against you. You're very determined and always find a way to get the job done, which is amazing."

Cultural alignment

Your company values should be more than just words on a page. They should guide your employees' actions and decision-making and help them understand what you expect from them. If an employee is living and breathing your company policies, let them know by passing on some of the following positive statements:

  1. "You're a true ambassador for our company values. Every interaction you have, whether with clients or coworkers, is an opportunity to show them who we are and what we stand for. Your approach is spot on."
  2. "It's so clear that you're passionate about your work and care deeply about company culture and our success. This level of commitment is very inspiring and motivates those around you."
  3. "When new hires join us, you can unpack the company's values and mission, explaining it in a way that truly excites and engages them. You have a real gift for painting the big picture and getting people on board."
  4. "You're always looking for ways to improve processes and make things run more smoothly. This attention to detail helps ensure we're always moving forward as a company."
  5. "You take feedback constructively and use it to improve your employee performance. This shows a lot of maturity and willingness to grow, which we respect."


Motivated employees are key to any successful business, engaged and motivated employees are 87% less likely to resign from their companies. They're passionate about their work, always looking for ways to improve, and never afraid to take on new challenges.

If you have an employee who fits this description, reinforce this behavior by sharing some of the following:

  1. "I was delighted with the extra determination you put in to complete the project on time. Your high morale and approach as a team player carried us through to the end."
  2. "Your enthusiasm for your work is infectious. You have a way of making people believe in what they're doing, even when it might be tough."
  3. "I noticed you went above and beyond to help a coworker who was struggling. You showed genuine concern and took the time to offer advice and support. This was very kind of you."
  4. "I feel you're very encouraging and upbeat, even when things might be tough. You have a way of making people feel good about themselves, which is amazing."
  5. "Your positive attitude is really appreciated. You always find the silver lining, even in difficult situations. This helps keep everyone's spirits up and makes the day more enjoyable."


Leaders are the glue that holds the members of a team together. They inspire and motivate their direct reports, always looking for ways to improve the team's performance. But leaders need motivation, too–so tailor some of these manager positive employee feedback phrases to their specific situation:

  1. "I feel you provide great direction to your team and are always clear about expectations. You give people the space to do their best work while still providing guidance when needed."
  2. "You're a true leader and always delegate tasks to the right people to put the team first. You're constantly looking for ways to help us grow and develop, which is much appreciated."
  3. "You have a great way of bringing people together and always create a positive and inclusive environment. This is a very valuable quality."
  4. "I feel you're very supportive and always available when people need you. You provide helpful advice and guidance while still respecting people's autonomy. This is a great balance of leadership skills to have."
  5. "Your performance management technique has improved enormously. Not only are your team encouraged following performance evaluations, but they also have fresh ideas of how to develop new skills and competencies."

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Employees who work quickly and effectively without sacrificing quality are an asset to any company. Gallup reports that employees who receive daily feedback from their manager are 3x more likely to be productive.

If you're reviewing someone who fits this description, be sure to let them know with these sample positive employee feedback phrases:

  1. "We can always count on you to get the job done quickly and efficiently. You have excellent time management skills with a great knack for streamlining processes and making things run more smoothly."
  2. "I know you're always looking for ways to improve your performance and produce excellent quality of work. You're constantly asking for feedback and taking the time to reflect on your progress. This dedication is awe-inspiring."
  3. "You're able to work independently and always complete projects in a timely manner. We love your unique approach to productivity and the tools and processes you've introduced us to. This is a great strength, and we rely on you enormously."
  4. "I feel you're very organized and efficient in your work. You're excellent at self-evaluation and always know exactly what to do. This is a great asset to the team."
  5. "Your punctuality allows you to prioritize specific tasks and always stay on top of things. This helps us immensely and keeps the team running smoothly. Thank you."

Complementary resources

Why does giving positive feedback matter?

Delivering positive feedback comes down to psychology. Employees want to receive recognition for their work and crave assurance that they're on the right track. Taking Gen Z as an example, 66% of this generation would prefer to receive feedback at least every few weeks.

Receiving positive feedback validates employees' efforts and makes them feel appreciated. It also gives them a boost of confidence and motivation to continue doing their best. Highly engaged employees feel their employer recognizes their efforts when performing well.

When you give positive feedback regularly, it creates a positive work environment and enhances employee engagement. Employees who feel appreciated and supported are:

  • More likely to be engaged in their work and
  • Less likely to seek other opportunities

Build a feedback and growth culture with Deel Engage

Implement recurring feedback reviews in your organization to allow employees to discover their strengths and weaknesses without waiting all year to find out. Use Deel Engage’s performance module for:

  • (360°) performance reviews: Collect constructive feedback from multiple sources, ensuring your people know where they need to improve
  • Goal setting: Collaborate on clear OKRs and goals, aligning company and individual goals
  • Data-driven insights: Use proven analytics like bar and radar charts, 9-box grids, or skills matrices to stay on top of progress, identify patterns of exceptional job performance, recognize potential future leaders, and ensure consistent recognition and rewards

Use the feedback from performance reviews to help your team members develop their skillsets. Deel Engage’s career management module will help with:

  • Development plans: Ensure your workers commit to a growth path, aligning their exceptional skills with organizational needs
  • A world-class learning library: Offer relevant resources to help your workers develop their competencies
  • Career growth: Engage and retain your workers with career growth opportunities—whether they want to pursue leadership roles or become technical experts

Additionally, Deel HR, our truly global HRIS solution, is always included for free.

Book a demo to see how our solutions will help you build a high-performance workforce.


About the author

Lorelei Trisca is a content marketing manager passionate about everything AI and the future of work. She is always on the hunt for the latest HR trends, fresh statistics, and academic and real-life best practices. She aims to spread the word about creating better employee experiences and helping others grow in their careers.

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