Hvordan Elemental Enzymes accelererer regulatoriske godkendelser og markedsadgang med Deel
Time saved on entity setup
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Deel Entity setup
The Company
Making farming and agriculture safer
Elemental Enzymes was founded to change the world of agriculture by using nature to meet the needs of growers worldwide sustainably.
Slow regulatory registration and market entry
In 2023, demand for Elemental Enzymes’ products were increasing rapidly and the global demand for sustainable Agriculture products has continued to outpace products on the market. Elemental Enzymes needed to quickly establish legal entities within their target markets to speed regulatory pathways.
Elemental Enzymes explored alternative solutions by partnering with different entity set-up and PEO providers but found the journey to be fraught with unpredictability and setbacks.
Hassle-free entity set up with Deel
Elemental Enzymes discovered Deel through a word-of-mouth recommendation.
Takket være Deels team af interne enhedseksperter etablerede Elemental Enzymes en ny enhed i Storbritannien inden for få uger - en opgave, som tidligere havde taget en anden tjenesteudbyder seks måneder at udføre.
Thompson was particularly impressed with the ease of communication with Deel, saying, “Deel’s customer support surpasses others. Deel helped to resolve blockers quickly so we could progress faster.”
Kompatibel global ansættelse med Deel EOR
Elemental Enzymes also used Deel EOR to hire and pay regulatory professionals in Southeast Asia and Brazil, establishing vital business connections in those regions for product distribution.
“Our previous professional employer organization (PEO) lacked knowledge of different regions’ HR practices, responsibilities, and compliance. Through Deel AI, we have all the legal and compliance information we need for 120+ countries at our fingertips.”
The transition to Deel’s platform was both swift and seamless. “We were able to move onto the Deel platform in a very short period of time,” Thompson concluded.
Oprettelsen af Deel Entity gjorde det muligt for os hurtigt at komme ind på nye markeder og dermed hurtigere nå vores langsigtede mål.
— Katie Thompson,
COO at Elemental Enzymes
Accelerated regulatory approval and swift market entry
Utilizing Deel, Elemental Enzymes transformed a process fraught with bureaucracy and complications into a swift journey toward market entry and regulatory approval.
Gennem Deel forventer Thompson, at Elemental Enzymes har sparet tusinder i opsætningsomkostninger, fremskyndet myndighedsgodkendelse og markedsadgang med fem måneder og personligt har genvundet 15% af sin tid, som hun ellers ville have brugt på administrative opgaver.