Fintech (Englisch)
Verwendete Deel-Produkte
Das Unternehmen
Lernen Sie Arch kennen
Arch makes DeFi investing simple for newcomers and passive investors.
They're a team of builders using tech to help create better and more inclusive financial products. No matter what someone's level of expertise, they believe everyone should have access a diversified portfolio of crypto assets. A lot of investment platforms tend to gear towards insiders and traders. Arch aims to turn that notion on its head.
Das Problem
Compliance and Paper Trails
Compliance Headaches
Arch started building out their startup team a few people at a time, with the first few in Latin America. With two members in Venezuela and others in Argentina, navigating potential penalties for compliance mistakes became time-consuming and stressful.
Keeping Track of Payments
At the start, Arch paid their entire team using wire and ACH payments. It used to take time and effort to have to do all of the payments manually. As they began fundraising, founder Chris realized they needed to get all their accounting in one place. First, to keep compliant, and second to show vendors they mean business and everything is legitimate. Especially being in the financial sector, having a paper trail was crucial.
Die Lösung
Wie Deel damit umgeht
Arch was able to get set up on Deel in a matter of minutes. Contracts, invoices, and payments are now all taken care of in one place, and they have complete confidence that everything's compliant for team members in Latin America and beyond.
Die Ergebnisse
Arch needed processes that could grow with them
Seit der Nutzung von Deel kann Arch unkompliziert Verträge unterzeichnen und Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen im Handumdrehen abschließen. Die zuvor zeit- und arbeitsintensive manuelle Payroll erfolgt dank der einfachen Bankverbindung und der Möglichkeit, die Buchhaltungssoftware zu integrieren, jetzt automatisch.
Das Unternehmen verfügt nun über rechtliche Vereinbarungen und eine rechtskonforme Dokumentation, die helfen, Vertrauen aufzubauen und dem Team zu zeigen, dass mit dem Wachstum des Unternehmens auch die Prozesse wachsen.
Statt viel Zeit mit der Suche nach Steuergesetzen zu verbringen, kann das Unternehmen nun sicher sein, dass alles die Compliance einhält und alle Zahlungen ihres Teams an einem Ort erfolgen.
It’s great for the team members to have a formal agreement in place with a paper trail of all of their payments and contract details. Smash’s team members are really happy and it’s made communication easier. It also signalled to the employees that the company was growing up and evolving and things are becoming more formalied.