Wie Data Talks die globale Personalbeschaffung mit Deel EOR beschleunigen konnte

Eingestellte Mitarbeiter
New countries entered
Increase in hiring speed
Europa und Mittlerer Osten
Verwendete Deel-Produkte
Deel EOR
Das Problem
How inefficient EOR impacted Data Talks’ operations
Data Talks is a customer data platform for the sports industry. While the team is headquartered in Sweden, their business growth required them to hire employees in key markets outside the country. They used another employer of record (EOR) solution in hopes that it would simplify the process, but it only became more complex.
The provider’s onboarding process was slow and poorly managed, and the platform wasn’t intuitive, resulting in a confusing user experience for the Data Talks team.
Hiring new team members was also more complicated than expected. Instead of being able to immediately send candidates their employment contracts, they encountered a lot of back and forth with the provider, which prolonged the hiring process by days or in some cases even weeks.
Die Lösung
Easy, fast, and supportive global hiring with Deel EOR
Helen Yildiz, Chief Customer Officer at Data Talks, had heard about Deel through local events, word-of-mouth recommendations, and her own research into global hiring solutions.
Deel’s quality of service and support was immediately evident, especially when it came to onboarding. The Deel team helped Data Talks migrate all of their information from one system to the other with a high degree of accuracy and care.
“Deel's customer success and onboarding teams are exceptional,” said Yildiz. “They are dedicated problem solvers, attentive, and treat smaller clients as importantly as larger ones.”
With Deel EOR, Data Talks has hired 10 employees across five new countries. Once they decide to hire a worker, they can send them a localized employment contract the same day, improving their employment compliance and reducing the hiring process from seven or more days to just one.
Die Führungskräfte von Data Talks waren alle sofort von der Einfachheit von Deel beeindruckt. Die Beschäftigten fanden es auch einfacher, ihre Gehaltsabrechnungen, Urlaube und andere Details an einem Ort zu verwalten, was zu einer gesünderen Fernarbeitskultur und mehr Seelenfrieden für alle führte.
“The real difference between Deel EOR and other providers is that Deel actually removes the headaches of hiring globally—and you can't put a price on that,”
—Helen Yildiz,
Chief Customer Officer, Data Talks