Europa und Mittlerer Osten
Das Problem
Hiring globally, no entities needed
Tiqets, headquartered in the Netherlands, is a platform that instantly connects travelers with everything from mobile tickets to top museums and attractions worldwide. As a heavily international company with a diverse team, it encountered significant misclassification and compliance challenges when hiring talent in regions without established entities. Focused on not letting this obstacle stop its growth plans, the team embarked on a quest for a solution. Among the various providers it explored, Deel offered everything Tiqets was looking for with its comprehensive yet user-friendly platform.
Lösung und Ergebnisse
Hassle-free and compliant international hiring
Mit Deel Contractor und Deel Contractor of Record konnte Tiquet Teammitglieder in Ländern einstellen, in denen das Unternehmen keine etablierten Niederlassungen besaß, und außerdem weitere wichtige Anforderungen erfüllen. Durch die Wahl von Deel Contractor of Record kann Tiquets sorgenfrei Mitarbeitende in verschiedenen Ländern einstellen und das Risiko von Scheinselbstständigkeit vermeiden. Maartje Koopman, Head of People and Culture, sagt: „Diese zusätzliche Sicherheit in diesen Ländern war für uns entscheidend. Wir verfügen selbst nicht über das nötige Expertenwissen zu lokalen Arbeitsgesetzen und Deel konnte uns genau das bieten.“
Beyond the time saved in hiring international team members, Tiqets experienced significant cost savings, avoiding entity setup fees totaling over $60,000. In the first month, it successfully onboarded four team members from various countries simply and, most importantly, compliantly. The Tiqets team also expressed satisfaction with the platform, highlighting the Deel team’s exceptional customer support, attentiveness, and expertise.
If it weren’t for Deel Contractor of Record, we would have not been able to hire team members with the security and compliance level we wanted, in those countries.
—Maartje Koopman ,
Head of People and Culture at Tiqets