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How Video Husky turned compliance woes into global contractor hiring wins

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Verwendete Deel-Produkte



Das Unternehmen

Lernen Sie Video Husky kennen

Video Husky makes editing videos easy for anyone and any business. They help content creators create quality, on-brand videos without being an expert editor without hiring a freelancer. Video Husky helps companies turn their video creation process into an efficient production line for one flat fee.

Das Problem

Avoiding tax and legal penalties

Before Deel, Video Husky used PandaDocs for contracts and Wise (Transferwise) for payments. There was no "issue" in terms of usability. However, there was one big red flag: compliance. Working with over 50 contractors around the world, and as an American company, there's potential for things to go wrong, like collecting W8 forms. Their biggest worry was doing something wrong tax-wise and, in turn, getting penalized for it.

Die Lösung

Wie Deel damit umgeht

Innerhalb weniger Minuten konnte Video Husky seine Sorgen bezüglich der Compliance vollständig loswerden. Mit den Funktionen von Deel zur Steuer- und Vertrags-Compliance kann Video Husky sicherstellen, dass sie über alle korrekten Dokumente und rechtlichen Informationen verfügen, um weltweit lokale Gesetze einzuhalten. Dank Deel können sie mehr als 50 Freelancer:innen mühelos verwalten, ohne zu befürchten, dass sie etwas Wichtiges übersehen könnten.

Die Ergebnisse

Winning the compliance game

Becoming fully compliant was the most significant benefit for Video Husky, and handling every contract efficiently through Deel was undoubtedly another plus. Getting access to compliant contract templates gave Video Husky peace of mind that they followed all local labor laws correctly without becoming incorporated around the world.

Mit Deel wird das Vergrößern internationaler und Remote-Teams zum Kinderspiel






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