
Watch the recording from our product vision event




Hit the road to 2023

Join Deel Co-founder and CEO Alex Bouaziz as he shares our vision of future global workforces and presents a whole new Deel you won't want to miss.


Learn tips for better global team management

Deel’s Head of People, Casey, will share insights and learnings from managing a distributed team of 2000 people across 100 countries.


Get a glimpse of our new fully-stacked releases

Our Head of Product, Pearce, will share some never-before-seen product releases that are sure to completely change the way you HR.


Ask us anything? And we mean it!

Have a question about the future of global teams?

Submit any questions or comments to join in on the conversation with our leaders during the event.

Meet our leadership and ask questions

Hear straight from Deel’s leadership team and ask
them your burning questions using this form.


Alex Buaziz

Co-Founder & CEO


Casey Bailey

Head of People


Pearce Dolan

Head of Product


Elisabeth Diana

Head of Communications

Watch the recording

El futuro de los RR.HH. globales, una plataforma que puedes usar hoy 

Deel equips teams with the tools, features, and guidance they need in a single platform to eliminate hiring and management borders. Businesses and teams can work together more easier than ever and gain access to new opportunities.


Realiza el onboarding en segundos

Hire anywhere compliantly and get your team set up with everything, from contracts, equipment, and more

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Págale a todos

Pay your employees and contractors in a few clicks, without unnecessary fees or hassle

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Gestiona RR.HH. para todos

Simplify HR for your whole team with the only global-first HR platform for any worker

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Mantente en regla, en cualquier lugar

Understanding and complying with local laws abroad is complex. Deel does it all for you

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Still have questions about the event? Here’s some answers.

What can I expect from The Big Deel event?

An exciting announcement around Deel’s vision for 2023 and beyond. Plus, brand new features and time to ask any questions you have about Deel.

Where will the event take place?

The Big Deel online event will be hosted on the Livestorm platform.

What time zone will the event take place in?

The Big Deel is a global event, so we believe in meeting you where you are and letting you participate in a way that works for you. You can:

  • Attend our live event on January 26, 11am EST / 5pm CET
  • Access content on demand after January 27, 2023
What language will the event be in?

Our event will be in English. However, we will be running local webinars in February. Stay tuned!

I can’t attend the event. Will it be recorded?

All sessions will be recorded, and we'll notify you via email as soon as they're available for viewing.