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Table of Contents

What are LXPs used for?

What are the key features of an LXP?

How does an LXP differ from an LMS?

What are the benefits of using an LXP for employee training and development?

How can organizations ensure the successful implementation of an LXP?

What are some challenges of using an LXP?

How can LXPs be integrated with other HR and business systems?

Enhance learning effectiveness with Deel Engage.

What is a learning experience platform (LXP)?

A learning experience platform (LXP) is user-centric software that helps organizations deliver personalized, engaging, and self-directed learning experiences to employees or learners by integrating various learning resources, tools, and content.

Unlike traditional Learning Management Systems (LMS), LXPs focus on the learner’s experience and often incorporate advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and social learning features.

What are LXPs used for?

LXPs are added to an organization’s HR stack to offer individualized learning experiences. Learning experience platforms are used primarily for personalized and engaging employee learning and development.

They provide a learner-centric approach to training, allowing employees to access a wide range of learning resources tailored to their needs, preferences, and job roles.

Here are some key uses of LXPs:

  • On-demand learning: Unlike traditional Learning Management Systems (LMS), which are often course-driven, LXPs offer a more flexible, on-demand approach—employees can access training materials anytime, anywhere, which is particularly useful for remote or global teams
  • Social learning: LXPs integrate social features like discussion forums, peer-to-peer learning, and content sharing—this encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing among employees, fostering a culture of continuous learning
  • Data-driven insights: LXPs provide advanced analytics and reporting tools that help HR and learning teams track employee progress, engagement levels, and skill development—HR and L&D teams can use these insights to refine learning strategies and identify areas where workers need additional training
  • Integration with other tools: LXPs often integrate with other HR systems, productivity tools, and content providers, creating a seamless learning ecosystem that supports broader organizational goals

What are the key features of an LXP?

Key features of an LXP include:

  • Personalized learning paths: Tailored content recommendations based on user behavior, preferences, and performance
  • Social learning: Integration with social media platforms and collaboration tools to enable peer-to-peer learning
  • Content aggregation: Centralized access to diverse learning resources, including videos, articles, courses, and user-generated content
  • Advanced analytics: Detailed insights into learner engagement, progress, and content effectiveness
  • AI and machine learning: Intelligent algorithms to recommend relevant content and optimize learning paths
  • Mobile accessibility: Ensures learning is available anytime, anywhere through mobile devices

Where does the content on LXPs come from?

LXPs serve as a portal to all kinds of content and information, including but not limited to:

  • Company databases
  • Expert blogs
  • Social networks
  • Articles
  • Videos
  • eBooks

An LXP aggregates and categorizes educational resources and recommends them to the users who will benefit most from them.

How does AI enhance the functionality of an LXP?

AI enhances the functionality of an LXP by providing:

  • Personalized recommendations: AI algorithms analyze user behavior and preferences to suggest relevant content
  • Adaptive learning paths: Customize learning journeys based on individual progress and performance
  • Content creation: Create first drafts in seconds with generative AI and translate it into various languages
  • Chatbots: Provide instant support and guidance to learners through conversational interfaces.

By leveraging AI, LXPs create more dynamic, tailored, and effective learning experiences that cater to each learner’s unique needs.

How does an LXP differ from an LMS?

An LXP differs from a Learning Management System (LMS) in several key ways.

While an LMS is designed primarily for administrators to deliver and track formal training courses, an LXP focuses on the learner’s experience, offering personalized content recommendations, social learning features, and a more user-friendly interface. LXPs often enable informal learning, user-generated content, and adaptive learning paths.


LMSs are primarily designed to manage and deliver structured learning content and courses. As a result, they’re a widespread solution used throughout corporate learning environments, especially when formal training is required.

On the other hand, LXPs offer a more personalized and engaging experience for the modern learner.

Push vs. pull

LMSs push content out to learners. In contrast, an LXP encourages learners to pull appropriate, engaging content into their customized dashboards.

Another way to look at this is by considering the direction of the learning experience. An LMS uses a top-down strategy, pushing assigned training from L&D teams to individual learners. In contrast, an LXP takes a bottom-up approach, providing learners with a more user-centric and self-paced model where they’ll report back to their managers about their training progress.


LMSs typically let HR teams import internal and external courses. In contrast, LXPs rely more heavily on curated external (third-party content), such as online courses and videos.

Learning paths

LMSs generally offer structured learning paths with prerequisites and certification options. LXPs often focus on more flexible and personalized learning paths.

User experience

LXPs deliver interactive and engaging learning experiences, including social learning features, personalized recommendations, and micro-learning opportunities. In contrast, LMSs may prioritize more straightforward navigation and course completion tracking.

Authoring tools

LMSs often offer robust authoring tools for creating and delivering custom courses. In contrast, LXPs may rely more on pre-existing content from third-party providers.

While both LMSs and LXPs have their strengths and weaknesses, their fundamental differences can help organizations determine which type of learning platform best suits their needs and goals.

What are the benefits of using an LXP for employee training and development?

Benefits of using an LXP for employee training and development include:

  • Personalization: Tailored learning experiences that match individual learning styles, needs, and career goals—Employees are more likely to stay engaged and motivated when they see how the training benefits their career growth and aligns with their interests
  • Engagement: LXPs incorporate elements of gamification, social learning, and interactive content, which can significantly boost learner engagement—features like badges, leaderboards, and peer collaboration make learning more interactive and enjoyable
  • On-demand learning: LXPs offer flexibility by providing access to learning materials anytime, anywhere—employees can learn at their own pace, fitting training into their schedules without disrupting their work
  • Scalability: LXPs can easily scale to accommodate the needs of growing organizations and support a wide range of learning formats, including videos, articles, podcasts, and interactive simulations, catering to diverse learning styles
  • Encouraging continuous learning: LXPs promote a culture of continuous learning by providing employees with a steady stream of new content and learning opportunities—this helps employees stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and skills
  • Data-driven insights: LXPs provide detailed analytics and reporting capabilities allowing organizations to track employee progress, identify skill gaps, and measure the effectiveness of training programs
  • Collaboration: LXPs facilitate social learning by allowing employees to share content, discuss topics, and collaborate on learning projects—this fosters a community of learning within the organization
  • Cost-effective training: By centralizing learning resources and offering scalable training solutions, LXPs can reduce the cost of employee development—digital content and virtual training eliminate the need for travel and physical materials

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How can an LXP be used to measure learning effectiveness?

An LXP can measure learning effectiveness through advanced analytics and reporting features. HR and L&D teams can use metrics such as learner engagement, course completion rates, assessment scores, and feedback tracked to evaluate the impact of learning programs.

Additionally, AI-powered insights can identify trends and areas for improvement, allowing organizations to refine their learning strategies for better outcomes.

How does an LXP support remote work and distributed teams?

An LXP supports remote work and distributed teams by offering flexible, on-demand access to learning resources across various devices. Features like virtual classrooms, discussion forums, and collaborative tools facilitate remote learning and team collaboration. This ensures that employees have consistent access to training and development opportunities regardless of location.

How can organizations ensure the successful implementation of an LXP?

To ensure successful implementation of an LXP, organizations should:

  • Conduct needs assessment: Identify the specific learning needs and goals of the organization
  • Choose the right platform: Select an LXP that aligns with the company’s requirements and integrates well with existing systems
  • Stakeholder buy-in: Engage key stakeholders and secure their support for the initiative
  • User training: Provide comprehensive training for administrators and end-users to ensure smooth adoption
  • Continuous evaluation: Regularly review and assess the platform’s performance and make necessary adjustments

What are some challenges of using an LXP?

The most common challenges of using an LXP include:

Content overload

LXPs offer access to vast amounts of content, which can overwhelm learners if not managed properly. Employees may struggle to find relevant materials without proper guidance or curation, leading to decreased engagement.

Solution: Organizations must implement robust content curation and recommendation systems to ensure learners receive prompts to the most relevant and valuable resources.

Integration issues

Integrating LXPs with existing systems (such as HR platforms, LMS, or other enterprise tools) can be complex and resource-intensive. Compatibility issues may arise, leading to technical challenges.

Solution: Careful planning and choosing an LXP with robust integration capabilities are essential to minimize disruptions and ensure a seamless learning experience.

User adoption

Encouraging employees to adopt a new learning platform can be difficult, especially if they are accustomed to traditional learning methods. Resistance to change and lack of digital literacy can hinder the platform’s effectiveness.

Solution: Providing adequate training and support, along with promoting the LXP’s benefits, can help increase user adoption and engagement.

High implementation costs

Implementing an LXP can be costly, especially for small to mid-sized organizations. The cost includes the software and the resources needed for integration, content creation, and ongoing support.

Solution: Organizations should carefully assess their budget and choose an LXP that offers scalable pricing models or consider phased implementations to reduce costs.

Maintaining content relevance

Keeping the content up-to-date and relevant is a continuous task. Outdated or irrelevant content can reduce the effectiveness of the learning experience and disengage users.

Solution: Regularly reviewing and updating content, as well as encouraging user feedback on content relevance, is crucial for maintaining an effective LXP.

By addressing these challenges proactively, organizations can maximize the benefits of their LXP and create a more effective and engaging learning environment for their employees.

How can LXPs be integrated with other HR and business systems?

LXPs can be integrated with other HR and business systems through APIs and third-party integrations. Common integrations include:

  • HR management systems (HRMS): Sync employee data and learning records
  • Performance management systems: Align learning with performance goals and appraisals
  • Content libraries: Access to external content providers and libraries
  • Collaboration tools: Integration with communication platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom

Enhance learning effectiveness with Deel Engage.

Our suite of tools bridges the gaps between performance reviews, professional development plans, and training all in one place so that employees and managers always have their finger on the pulse of employee growth.

Key features of the learning module include:

  • Engaging quizzes: Engage learners and test their knowledge
  • Deep personalization: Offer tailored recommendations based on performance feedback and specific career paths
  • Self-directed learning: Empower employees to follow their individual learning paths by enrolling in relevant courses of interest without input from administrators
  • Internal and external resources: Offer a comprehensive library of learning content curated from tens of learning providers
  • AI course creation: Take advantage of the Engage AI assistant to create learning content in multiple languages
  • Data analytics: Get insights into training completion, quiz pass rates, and employee competencies to identify trends and areas for improvement across teams, departments, and the entire organization

Additionally, Deel HR, our truly global HRIS solution, is always included for free.

Book a demo to see how our solutions will help you enhance learning effectiveness.

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