
Global Work Glossary

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Table of Contents

What is the purpose of preboarding?

How does preboarding differ from onboarding?

What activities are typically included in a preboarding process?

What is the role of HR in the preboarding process?

How can preboarding be customized for different roles within a company?

What are the benefits of preboarding new hires?

How can companies measure the effectiveness of their preboarding process?

What role does technology play in preboarding?

Leverage Deel for scalable and effective preboarding

What does preboarding mean?

Preboarding is the process that occurs after a new hire accepts a job offer but before their first day of work. It involves activities and communications designed to integrate the new employee into the company culture, ensure they are prepared for their role, and address any logistical needs.

What is the purpose of preboarding?

Preboarding aims to engage new hires, reduce first-day anxiety, and set the stage for a smooth transition into the company. Preboarding helps new employees feel welcomed, informed, and ready to start their roles effectively. It also improves employee retention by creating a positive initial experience and reducing early turnover.

How does preboarding differ from onboarding?

Preboarding is distinct from onboarding, occurring before the new hire’s first official workday. Onboarding typically encompasses the initial weeks or months of employment. It focuses on deeper integration into the company, including training, socialization, and performance expectations. On the other hand, preboarding aims to prepare the new hires for their first day by addressing administrative tasks, providing essential information, and fostering initial engagement.

Preboarding Onboarding
Overview Acts as a bridge between the day a candidate accepts the offer and the beginning of the onboarding process. Begins after the candidate has started working for an organization.
Objective The primary focus is preparing the new recruit and boosting excitement toward their new employer and role. The focus is helping new hires settle down and acquaint themselves with the work culture, role, expectations, and team.
Specific activities Schedule a lunch or a coffee meeting, invite them to stop by the office before their start date, or add them to your company-wide email chain. Deliver a proper set-up, assign a buddy, arrange training, and solicit feedback.

What activities are typically included in a preboarding process?

Typical preboarding activities include:

  • Sending a welcome email
  • Providing access to a preboarding portal
  • Sharing company information such as the employee handbook
  • Setting up necessary technology accounts
  • Introducing the new hire to their team through virtual meet-and-greets or welcome videos or by sending an email announcing the start
  • Filling out the necessary paperwork
  • Discussing initial expectations and logistics, such as the first-day schedule and dress code

What is the role of HR in the preboarding process?

The HR department plays a crucial role in the preboarding process, helping new hires transition smoothly into the company even before their official start date. The responsibilities of HR during this phase include:

  • Streamlining administrative tasks: HR is responsible for sending and processing essential paperwork like contracts, benefits enrollment, tax forms, and NDAs
  • Providing access to key resources: HR ensures new hires have access to company platforms, necessary tools, and relevant onboarding materials—this could involve providing login details, access to preboarding portals, and any preparatory reading or videos to familiarize them with the company culture and processes
  • Building engagement and excitement: HR can use the preboarding phase to build anticipation and engagement—sending personalized welcome messages from the CEO or team members, sharing company swag, or organizing virtual meet-and-greet sessions can help create a sense of belonging even before the official start date
  • Communicating expectations and culture: HR plays a key role in sharing the company’s mission, values, and expectations early on—this can be done through introductory emails, videos, and guides that outline the company culture and what the new hire can expect
  • Reducing first-day anxiety: By proactively addressing questions, clarifying doubts, and offering a clear roadmap for the first week, HR can alleviate the stress and uncertainty often associated with starting a new job

By effectively managing these responsibilities, HR can set the tone for a positive and engaging onboarding experience, ultimately leading to better retention and faster integration.

How can preboarding be customized for different roles within a company?

Preboarding can be customized for different roles by tailoring the information and activities to the specific needs and responsibilities of each position.

For example, technical roles may require early access to software and tools. In contrast, customer-facing roles might benefit from early introductions to key clients or product training.

Customizing the preboarding experience helps new hires feel more prepared and confident in their specific roles, leading to a smoother transition and quicker productivity.

Complimentary guide: Learn how to preboard your new hires with our step-by-step guide and actionable advice.

What are the benefits of preboarding new hires?

Preboarding plays a critical role in setting the tone for a new hire’s journey in your company. By engaging employees before they even step into the office (or turning their new computer on), organizations can reap numerous benefits that lead to a more seamless and productive onboarding experience.

Pique excitement

Preboarding is your chance to build anticipation and enthusiasm. By sharing company swag, personalized messages, or introductory team videos, you can generate excitement that makes new hires eager to join your organization.

Create positive PR for your company

A strong preboarding process generates good word-of-mouth and can boost your employer’s brand. When employees feel valued and engaged before they start, they are more likely to speak positively about your company, enhancing your reputation in the market.

Avoid ghosting on the first day

When new hires feel connected and engaged, they’re less likely to disappear or back out before their first day. Preboarding helps prevent “ghosting,” which can happen if candidates feel unsure or disconnected after accepting an offer.

Motivate new hires for their new role

Preboarding provides early access to training materials, resources, or information about the role. This approach empowers new hires and helps them mentally prepare for what lies ahead, motivating them from day one.

Ensure higher new hire retention

Preboarding improves employee retention by creating a positive first impression and making new hires feel valued and prepared. When new employees feel welcomed and supported, they are more likely to stay with the company.

Preboarding reduces the uncertainty and anxiety that new hires often experience, leading to higher job satisfaction and a stronger commitment to the organization.

Why is preboarding important for remote employees?

Preboarding is especially crucial for remote employees as it helps bridge the gap caused by physical distance. Remote employees can feel isolated or disconnected from the company culture. Preboarding addresses these challenges by providing remote hires with the tools, information, and introductions they need to feel part of the team from day one.

Effective preboarding for remote employees can include virtual tours of the office, video introductions to team members, and setting up remote work equipment.

How does preboarding support global hiring efforts?

Preboarding supports global hiring efforts by providing a standardized process that can be tailored to different regions and cultures. It ensures all new hires receive essential information and feel part of the company community regardless of location.
For global hires, preboarding can include region-specific information, such as local office details, cultural nuances, and time zone considerations, helping new employees feel more comfortable and integrated.

How can companies measure the effectiveness of their preboarding process?

Companies can measure the effectiveness of their preboarding process through various metrics such as:

Feedback from new hires about their preboarding experience can provide insights into areas for improvement.
Additionally, tracking the completion rates of preboarding tasks and the engagement levels of new hires on preboarding platforms can help assess the process’s success.

What role does technology play in preboarding?

Technology plays a significant role in preboarding by streamlining communication, providing access to information, and facilitating administrative tasks. HR software like Deel Engage offers a centralized location for new hires to complete paperwork, access company resources, and connect with future colleagues.

Virtual meeting tools and collaboration platforms enable remote introductions and team-building activities, ensuring new hires feel connected even before their first day.

Leverage Deel for scalable and effective preboarding

Deel Engage offers a range of features designed to support remote and in-office pre- and onboarding. Here are some ways you can leverage Deel Engage and save hours—all while making onboarding more engaging for your people:

  • Customizable pre- and onboarding workflows: Easily create customizable workflows tailored to specific roles—include automated tasks, training modules, and checklists so that new hires receive a structured and personalized onboarding experience
  • AI-powered LMS: Create interactive courses (with AI), track progress, and assess learning outcomes
  • Interactive and engaging content: Create interactive onboarding content, including video tutorials and quizzes, for a more enjoyable and effective onboarding process
  • Continuous improvement and feedback: Collect feedback from new hires about their pre- and onboarding experience—use them to refine and improve your processes, ensuring they meet the needs of all employees and adapt to changing requirements
  • Free HRIS: Deel HR, our truly global HRIS solution, is always included for free

Book a demo to see how our solutions will help you implement the latest onboarding trends for increased employee retention.

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