
Deel Contractor of Record

Avoid misclassification risks with Deel Contractor of Record

Reduce the risk of worker misclassification, no matter where you source talent. As your agent of record, we take on liability so you can focus on growing your global workforce.

4019+ 리뷰

Deel이 책임지고 지원하는 동안 고객은 성장에 집중합니다

근로자 분류
향상된 법적 보호
현지화된 계약
자체 현지 전문가

Provide the best contractor experience and benefit from Continuous Compliance™

Manage everything—from localized contracts and background checks to global payments and equipment—all in one place. Unlike other agents of record, Deel allows you to onboard international hires in days while reducing admin work. Plus, access automated invoices, one-click payments, and HRIS integrations.

  • 동일한 유연성으로 더 높은 보호 기능 제공
  • 빠른 구현과 간편한 사용

운영 방식

Deel Contractor of Record를 통한 글로벌 인력 성장 시작하기

귀사의 인력 분류를 평가하고 특정 근로자가 프리랜서로, 또는 직원으로 분류되어야 하는지 여부에 대해 조언해 드립니다.

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Chloe Riesenberg,

Project44 인사 담당자


Deel의 팀원


USD saved yearly

오분류 퀴즈

팀원이 프리랜서인지 직원인지 확실하지 않으신가요?

직원 오분류는 정규직 직원으로 간주되는 기준을 충족함에도 불구하고 근로자를 독립 계약자로 분류하는(보통, 불법적인) 관행입니다. 직원을 잘못 분류하면 일반적으로 세금 및 연방법 위반 벌금이 부과되고 평판이 나빠지는 결과를 낳게 됩니다.


자주 묻는 질문

기록상 대행업체(AOR)는 조직이 전 세계 프리랜서를 규정에 따라 분류, 온보딩 및 급여를 지급하도록 지원하는 외부 업체입니다.

Each Deel Contractor of Record contract requires a deposit of one month of a contractor’s payment. Since we have hired the contractor, we are legally obligated to pay them even if a client does not pay us. Because Deel takes on all the liability and the indemnification for a contractor, we ask for one month’s security of the contractor wages and a Deel fee to hold in case of emergency.

There are plenty of AORs that provide contract hiring services. However, most are traditional staffing agencies, leading to longer setup times, higher fees, and time-intensive management, which often includes manual approvals and inconsistent reporting. Deel Contractor of Record takes traditional contractor hiring to a new level, allowing clients to hire and manage contractors globally using Deel entities at record speed (up to 7 days) with zero employee misclassification risks.

Get in touch, and we’ll work to better understand your hiring goals and needs to determine your Deel Contractor of Record eligibility. If Deel Contractor of Record is a fit for your team:

  1. We’ll create a Master Services Agreement between your business and Deel and a Scope of Work. Once our teams review and sign the contract, you can make as many Contractor of Record agreements as you need.
  2. Next, we sign a Deel standard agreement with the contractor you’re onboarding with Deel Contractor of Record. Once both parties (Deel and contractor) sign the contract, the contractor will get an invitation to join the platform.
  3. 그 후 나머지는 Deel이 처리합니다. 급여, 송장, 계약 종료 등은 모두 Deel이 처리해 드리므로 귀사는 국제 인재 풀을 바로 이용할 수 있습니다.

설정 시간은 비즈니스에서 마스터 서비스 계약을 검토하고 서명하는 데 필요한 시간에 따라 다릅니다. 완료되면 일반적으로 프리랜서를 플랫폼에 등록하고 온보딩하는 데 최대 5일이 소요됩니다.

Our experts will review the contractor’s location, job description, and work setup to determine Deel Contractor of Record eligibility. If the business relationship between your company and the contractor is not eligible for Deel Contractor of Record, we will suggest our available EOR solutions.

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Deel Contractor of Record

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