
Hur Deel revolutionerade BforeAI:s HR-processer



Team members hired


Different countries


Years saved in entity setup processes




Europe and Middle East

Företagets storlek


Deel produkter som används


The Company

Predicting threats and protecting businesses

BforeAI is a pioneer in predictive attack intelligence and Digital Risk Protection Services (DRPS). Founded in Montpellier, France, its mission is to rebalance cyber defense from a reactive to a preemptive approach. Using behavioral AI powered by PreCrime™ technology, BforeAI is revolutionizing threat intelligence, brand protection, adversary disruption, and infrastructure takedowns.

Named by Gartner in ten reports and chosen for numerous awards and programs such as the FinTech Innovation Lab New York, BforeAI delivers superior accuracy and automated protection against online fraud.


Growing an international team compliantly

Founded amid the COVID-19 pandemic, BforeAI embraced distributed work from the beginning. International hiring was on the rise and working from wherever became the norm.

As BforeAI grew and secured funding, managing contracts and compliance became a priority. However, dealing with various local legal providers was complex. Luciano Allegro, co-founder and CMO of BforeAI, said, “Getting compliant contracts would have meant reaching out to multiple lawyers in each country. Everyone had different recommendations, causing confusion, consuming a lot of time, and being more expensive.”

Another growing priority for BforeAI was allowing the teams to get paid in their preferred currencies. Since BforeAI had contractors in countries like Argentina, providing diverse currency options and withdrawal methods to forgo additional exchange rates was essential.

BforeAI needed an all-in-one platform to manage compliant international hiring, simplify flexible payroll, and streamline HR processes.


Pursuing HR solutions before Deel

BforeAI initially chose to work with one of Deel’s competitors to fulfill its needs. However, with slow onboarding and a challenging interface, expectations weren’t met and dependability was lacking. "The platform and user experience were not great; it was difficult to use and gave the impression that it was built fast," said Allegro.

Ready to move away from poor experiences with the previous provider, BforeAI switched to Deel. Since day one, BforeAI has had a positive experience with Deel, praising the intuitive platform’s stability, fast onboarding, and excellent support. Allegro expressed the satisfaction of the entire BforeAI team with Deel's platform and legal coverage.

We are confident that Deel is a reliable company that will support us as we continue scaling. It's a fantastic tool, and we're delighted to use it because it simplifies our HR processes.

Luciano Allegro,

Co-Founder & CMO at BforeAI


Hassle-free, compliant scaling beyond borders

By leveraging Deel’s contractors and EOR services, BforeAI seamlessly hired and onboarded team members across diverse regions without legal concerns, saving over five years in entity setups. Allegro said, "The ability to hire over 40 people in more than 20 countries in less than three years is incredible. Every time I share this story with other founders , they're all impressed and eager to learn about the platform that made it possible."

BforeAI plans to explore other Deel products, like Deel HR and multi-currency contracts, to continue enhancing its people processes.

As a fully distributed company since Day0, BforeAI invests in tools, practices and processes to enable its “work from anywhere” policy to support the life aspiration of each employee.

Deel gör det lätt som en plätt att utöka team på distans och internationellt





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