
Hur Divbrands sparar 8+ timmar i veckan på lönehantering och regelefterlevnad



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The Company

Meet DivBrands

Divbrands is a digital direct-to-consumer e-commerce company that owns and operates multiple consumer brands across the globe - with a fully remote team. Using advertising data to guide their in-house creative work, and customer feedback to design the best products, they launch and scale new D2C brands online.

They rely on advanced analytics and operational automation to deliver products that make an instant impact. The company owns a number of direct-to-consumer brands across several categories, including: tactical gear, women’s footwear, and supplements. These are designed in Europe and shipped globally. They’re a global team of 82+ people, fluent in more than 15 languages, operating in 26 countries across the world.


Manual payments were no longer feasible

Prior to finding Deel, DivBrands paid their global workforce manually which was time consuming and prone to error. With all of the components of global payroll and compliance, manual payment was no longer an option as the company grew. Incidentally, they began their search for a solution right around the time that Deel was launched.


With Deel since day one

DivBrands started using Deel early in 2019, making them one of Deel’s first customers. Deel began streamlining DivBrand’s payments and compliance—allowing them to take every location into consideration when hiring and paying global workers without worrying about local labor laws, payment schedules by country, contracts, and more.

DivBrands has a team in the Philippines who must be paid bi-monthly, while the rest of the company is mostly paid monthly. “I can only imagine how annoying it would be to have to process the payments manually twice a month or have to remember the exact day that we have to pay each team,” says Aksioutine, “Thanks to Deel, I just need to go to the payments section, press the pay button, and that’s it. It gives me the peace of mind that everyone is getting paid, on time, all over the world.”

Additionally, DivBrands enjoys how Deel simplifies a lot of admin, allowing them to onboard in just a few clicks, and create local employment agreements stored in one place to easily amend. The team utilizes a variety of other Deel features including expenses, time off, and our integration with Xero. They’re able to take advantage of Deel Card and appreciate the low fees Deel offers for the card in comparison to other withdrawal platforms.

Last but not least, Deel has enabled DivBrands to expand to 19+ countries with total ease, and they plan to keep growing with Deel.

“Deel for us is dealing with the entire complexity of our HR, contracts, and payments in a very efficient and fast manner,”

Daniel Aksioutine,

COO på DivBrands


A time-saving solution that's a life-saver

Today, the DivBrands team is 80+ workers strong. Without Deel, they’d still be making individual payments for each worker (in some cases multiple times a month), keeping track of the employee data, payment dates per country, hours worked, contract creation, and more.

All of this, according to them, would take at least eight hours a week from a top-management person, as a lot of confidential and sensitive data is handled during the process.

Deel gör det lätt som en plätt att utöka team på distans och internationellt





Över 200

interna experter

Om oss





Deel Blogg

Mallar & guider


Kom igång med Deel


USA:s lönelista


Deel Contractor of Record

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