Create a rewarding, high-impact referral program in a few clicks
Our referral program makes it easy for your employees to send qualified candidates that are more likely to fit your company culture.

Lower recruitment costs

Reduce time to hire

Build community
Explore all Deel Engage plugins
Vanliga frågor
Kan jag använda Deel Plugins utan att vara en Deel-kund?
No, Deel Plugins for Slack are part of the Deel Engage suite.
Who is Deel Engage right for?
Deel Plugins cut down on hours of admin hassle for HR managers and anyone else who is spending time on employee management, including tasks like leave requests and performance reviews. Stop spending so much time managing employee records on spreadsheets and get started with user-friendly Deel Plugins today.
What is the employee experience like on Deel Engage?
Deel Plugins are user friendly for everyone from HR managers to new employees, including every step from onboarding to time off and performance reviews.