The hiring experts
Flexhive by Hudson is a leading on-demand talent platform and part of the Hudson group, which is the largest privately-owned recruitment and staffing company in the APAC region. It offers temporary and permanent talent solutions that help businesses scale without making fixed commitments based on market demands or skill needs from talent pools based all around the world.
Talent shortages and escalating costs hamper growth
Flexhive 需要更多员工来服务其不断增长的客户群,尤其是在后台处理和运营方面。 自动化只能让 Flexhive 走得如此之远,而本地人才正变得越来越稀缺和昂贵。
Flexhive 使用了另一种雇主记录解决方案来提供帮助,但招聘和入职人才的流程很慢,而且提供商缺乏对国际法规的关键知识。 Flexhive 需要精简的人才解决方案和专家支持,以推动其成长之旅的下一阶段。
Global hiring made easy
With Deel, Flexhive noticed an immediate improvement in its global hiring experience. Employees can now be hired—with all the necessary compliance sorted—and paid all from the Deel dashboard. Issue resolution is fast, and Deel’s team of regulatory experts has helped the Flexhive team navigate labor law requirements easily.
“在全球招聘时,在新地区单独进行 IT 的成本在财务或商业上没有意义。 需要公司注册和时间投入才能跟上不同国家/地区的就业法规,更不用说与工人错误分类相关的风险,“Flexhive 首席运营官 Dean Morrison 说。
Seamless & compliant global hiring
借助 Deel,Flexhive 在不到一年的时间内成功在新地区招聘了 130 多名员工。 简化的端到端流程和员工管理工具使 Flexhive 团队能够将招聘和入职流程所花费的时间减少多达 80%。 "有了 Deel,我们就能完全控制,不会受到任何影响。 这个过程快速、稳健且透明,“Morrison 解释说。