The perfect solution to combat remote work isolation
Teamflow 是一个虚拟的 2D 办公空间,分散在各地的团队可以在这个空间里即时联系和交流。他们在乎的是重温办公室办公的感觉——同在一个屋檐下密切协作的满满活力、走廊上聊天的随意氛围和团队合作的快感。
从零开始建立分散型员工队伍与一段坎坷的 EOR 之旅
Flo Crivello, Founder and CEO of Teamflow, wanted his company to be 100% remote so they could experience the same day-to-day life as their customers. He also wanted his international teams to have the choice to get hired as contractors or employees, so he looked for an Employer of Record.
Initially, Teamflow chose a Deel competitor to hire and pay their global team with the promise of a cheaper price, but they found the experience to be quite difficult.
The problems with their previous provider began when Teamflow realized there was over $100,000 of unreconciled cash in their account. They reached out to their EOR provider for an explanation, and they replied that they (the provider) made a mistake by using US dollars instead of Mexican pesos when running their Mexican Payroll.
这家 EOR 服务提供商不是从账户中减去差额,而是从 Teamflow 账户中提取了整个薪酬支付周期的钱款。Teamflow 业务运营主管 Chris Baugh 表示,一个多星期后,这家 EOR 服务提供商才承认发生了什么事,此后逐层上报又花了七周时间,服务提供商才将钱款退还给 Teamflow。
“整个支持服务都很成问题,因为他们根本没有解决重大错误的紧迫感,” said Baugh.
But the frustrations didn’t stop there. Teamflow ran into another issue when their provider incorrectly processed an employee termination and continued paying the person for over two months before it was caught and rectified.
For Teamflow—and for most software companies—a significant portion of their expenses come from payroll. Because that core cost was routinely incorrect, they chose to move on from that provider’s services.
But even the offboarding process presented challenges—taking over two weeks, with the provider setting arbitrary, undocumented rules.
Deel 如何处理这个问题
Teamflow 不希望下一家 EOR 服务提供商凡事都靠人工处理,让类似的薪资错误有可能重现,因此,Teamflow 开始寻找新的解决方案。他们需要的是郑重承诺、自动化操作、快速支持和高效率。Deel 符合所有这些条件(甚至还能满足更多要求),因此 Teamflow 伸出了橄榄枝。
“We chose Deel mostly because of its extreme commitment to their mission and prioritization of customer success,” said Baugh.
Ultimately, Teamflow gets about a week’s worth of admin time back every month since switching to Deel.
多亏有 Deel,Teamflow 得以显著改进流程,帮助他们简化人力资源任务。
在自动化方面,他们将 Deel 与 Quickbooks 集成在一起。他们可以快速同步所有数据,在月底更快、更准确地结清账目,防止出现任何财务报表问题,因此他们很喜欢 Deel。而他们以前使用的服务提供商却因为手动处理国际员工薪资而犯了一个巨大的错误,导致 Teamflow 花了近两个月的时间请求支持,才使问题得以解决。
与 Deel 合作期间,他们在所有流程中都有专属客服经理为他们提供指导和支持,更快地解决问题;而在与以前的服务提供商合作期间,他们经历了漫长的等待,而且逐层上报也于事无补。
他们还能更快、更轻松地办理自愿离职手续,所有手续都可以通过 Deel 平台在 3 个简单步骤内完成,而在以前,这些事情都是通过电子邮件处理的,过程随意且漫长,需要与员工给予更多配合。此外,以前的服务提供商还在员工离职后继续支付了两个多月的工资。