将您的组织结构图放入 Slack,让您的团队远离昂贵而繁琐的平台
我们的 Org Chart 插件可与您的 HRIS 系统或 IT 系统无缝连接,自动更新用户档案,让您轻松了解组织信息。
浏览 Deel Engage 的所有插件
Can I use Deel Plugins without being a Deel HR customer?
Yes, you can use Deel Plugins as an independent human resources management system! It's no longer required to use Deel HR or set up the Slack integration in Deel before installing any of the Deel Plugins.
Deel Engage 适合哪些人使用?
Deel Plugins cut down on hours of admin hassle for HR managers and anyone else who is spending time on employee management, including tasks like leave requests and performance reviews. Stop spending so much time managing employee records on spreadsheets and get started with user-friendly Deel Plugins today.
Deel Engage 的员工体验如何?
Deel Plugins are user friendly for everyone from HR managers to new employees, including every step from onboarding to time off and performance reviews.