How Estonia e-Residency and Deel are empowering nomadic EU companies

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A new digital nation for the world

愛沙尼亞位於歐洲東北部地區,目前正快速適應在全球快速發展的遠端工作模式。愛沙尼亞 e-Residency 計畫於 2014 年啟動,使世界各地的企業家能夠在歐盟創辦企業,同時從任何地方完全在線上管理業務。

愛沙尼亞是率先提供 e-Residency 計畫的國家,這是政府頒發的數位身份,可讓您進入愛沙尼亞透明的商業環境。成為愛沙尼亞的電子公民後,您可以完全在線上創辦公司,遠端經營歐盟業務,實現無紙化操作,同時避免繁文縟節的手續。


Global megatrends, we like the sound of that

從德國到巴西,任何地方的任何人都可以參加 e-Residency 計畫。大多數成員在線上工作,他們希望不用親自前往歐盟國家就能創辦和經營一家歐盟公司。不受地域限制對電子公民來說至關重要。該計畫非常瞭解國際工作趨勢和變化,愛沙尼亞 e-Residency 計畫總經理 Lauri Haav 也不例外。「自由工作者和數位遊牧族群是目前最突出的全球趨勢之一,」他分享道。此外,愛沙尼亞 e-Residency 計畫「是世界上率先為遠端企業家和遠端工作者賦能的國家計畫,可提供全數位解決方案來滿足他們的需求。」

The program’s virtual marketplace is robust, not to mention it’s continually growing, now boasting 90 verified service providers catering to nearly 90,000 e-Residents’ needs that are launching and expanding their businesses. In joining forces with Estonia’s e-Residency, Deel aims to facilitate even more global remote work. Recognizing a shared intention in changing the way people work, both organizations have acknowledged the power of this pairing. “It is clear that location-independent entrepreneurship and international talent mobility are here to stay…” Haav explains, “we are extremely excited that Estonian e-residents can now benefit from Deel’s wide-ranging service portfolio.” Deel’s Co-Founder and CEO Alex Bouaziz echoes the sentiment stating, “Deel and e-Residency believe that people's way of working is fundamentally shifting, and both companies are at the forefront of changing the way the world works. Our collaboration will help meet the needs of thousands of entrepreneurs and enable them to onboard talent across the globe.”


“Oh hey”, Hey Digital

認識 Dylan Hey。Hey 來自英國,目前經營一家名為 Hey Digital 的廣告公司,為 B2B 軟體公司提供付費廣告服務。2017 年,Dylan 還是一位數位遊牧者,他瞭解到了愛沙尼亞 e-Residency 計畫,然後很快就加入了該計畫。Hey Digital 公司也就此誕生了。離開英國後,Dylan 環遊歐洲,並藉助該計畫遠端經營自己的公司。

Flash forward to today. The growing company now has a team of 16 with plans to grow to more than 25 in the next few months. For Hey Digital, the partnership between Deel and e-Residency is perfect; their widely distributed team works from 11 countries while benefiting from the partnership. For Hey Digital, the partnership between Deel and e-Residency is ideal for everyone involved; the company has seen global team growth while streamlining their international hiring and payroll and their team enjoys the flexibility of remote work with the freedom to work from 11 different countries.


Deel and Hey Digital

其他平台只能手動為不同國家/地區支付薪資和開立發票,這些難題使 Dyland 很苦惱,於是他找到了 Deel。與其他向 Deel 尋求解決方案的人一樣,Dylan 分享說:「有些(員工)需要用 Paypal、Wise 或銀行轉帳方式領取薪酬,這就帶來了許多挑戰。我還希望能在世界各地為我的團隊簽訂合乎規範的合約。」發現 Deel 後,Dylan 可以輕鬆快速地跨國擴展團隊規模。畢竟管理 19 名員工會帶來很多後勤和法遵問題,但幸運的是他有 Deel,他說:** 「我真的大力推薦 Deel;它讓我的生活輕鬆了很多。」**

Dylan Hey 既是 Deel 的客戶,也是愛沙尼亞的電子公民,他相信這種合作關係將為更多像他這樣的企業主帶來廣闊商機。

"Today, I run Hey Digital as a global team while constantly on the move, which is possible thanks to the reliable support services provided by Deel and many others available through the larger e-Residency marketplace. While e-Residency allowed me to set up a virtual business that I can run remotely from anywhere in the world, Deel facilitates both payroll and employment contracts, which would otherwise take months and incur a considerable cost, i.e., to account for the specificities of national legislation in each person’s country of origin. I believe that partnership between e-Residency and Deel will finally open the door for many other excellent business ideas that have thus far been stifled by excess bureaucracy."

借助 Deel,遠端團隊和國際團隊可以輕鬆成長





