How Deel revolutionized processes for the Nomic Foundation

USD savings in entity setup costs
USD saved in HR Admin processes
Decentralizing the world
The Nomic Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to Ethereum and its developer ecosystem. They provide open-source engineering software to empower developers to build decentralized applications.
Building and retaining a first-class international team
From the start, Nomic knew it had to be a remote-first organization. Given its specialized industry, finding niche talent was crucial. The team needed access to developers around the world to stay ahead of the competition while remaining lean and compliant. This presented a challenge. Hiring legal and accounting professionals in every location would be costly and time-consuming.
此外,Nomic 希望在薪資以外提供具競爭力的薪酬方案,以吸引所需的人才。Nomic 基金會的法律和財務主管 Manuel Freire 強調:「就像許多其他像我們這樣的新創公司一樣,我們希望為我們的團隊提供類似股權的待遇,這對我們所尋求的人才相當有吸引力。身為一個基金會,我們缺乏實際的股權,但仍希望能有一種方式,為我們的團隊提供與股權利益相仿的補助金。」
As a result, the team began searching for a partner to compliantly hire, onboard, and pay international team members and offer additional benefits. Initially exploring other providers, Nomic discovered that other companies were quite satisfied with Deel as their HR and compliance solution. This encouraged Nomic to choose Deel as its provider.
Expanding globally with additional benefits on a unified platform
With Deel, Nomic achieved its goal of hiring and paying international talent seamlessly and compliantly.
儘管由於其基金會地位而無法提供傳統股權,Nomic 還是瞭解了 Deel 的股權管理,以尋找量身定制的解決方案。Freire 表示,「Deel 的解決方案非常靈活且實用;他們建立了一個特殊的解決方案,使我們能夠提供量身訂做的補助金計畫,使我們的聘用條件更具吸引力,從而成功地聘請並留住我們需要的人才」。
Additionally, as Nomic continued to grow, it explored other Deel products that simplified many HR processes, saving them effort, time, and money:
- Deel Immigration: The Nomic Foundation identified an ideal candidate for a crucial position who was an European national residing in North America and needed sponsorship for a visa. Nomic’s Deel Customer Success Manager introduced the Immigration and Visa support product. Impressed, Nomic chose Deel for this crucial hire. Freire said, "The most important thing for us was that, through Deel Immigration, we were able to make this hire." Nomic saved both time and money in the process. Freire added, "The process was very smooth and simple. If it hadn't been for this solution, we would've ended up spending thousands of dollars and time engaging with other local providers."
- Deel's built-in HRIS and Deel Engage: After migrating their team to Deel’s platform, Nomic utilized Deel's built-in HRIS to simplify team management and automate its HR processes. Deel Engage streamlined time-off requests, syncing with Slack and Deel’s platform, providing managers with easy approval and visibility of their team’s PTO. Thanks to Deel’s solution, Nomic kept its team lean and saved $120k+ USD in HR admin processes. Freire said, “Prior to Deel's HRIS, we were managing all this information manually through different spreadsheets. This was time-consuming and error-prone, whereas now we have everything under the same platform as a one-stop tool for everything.”
Without Deel, we couldn't have scaled and grown our international team as desired.
—Manuel Freire,
Head of Legal and Finance at Nomic Foundation
Finally, a truly efficient global HR platform
透過 Deel,Nomic 基金會找到了一個合作夥伴,該夥伴輕鬆解決了其國際招募難題,並徹底革新了其人資流程。在超過 10 個國家/地區僱用 15 名以上的團隊成員,節省了超過 15 萬美元的實體據點開設成本。Freire 表示:「考慮到我們的成長和未來的擴展計畫,如果沒有 Deel,法令遵循將變得更加困難,並且會大幅增加我們的管理費用。」
Most importantly, with Deel, Nomic focused on building their dream team without worry.