Palm NFT Studio 公司如何透過 Deel 每月節省 80 多個小時的時間

Hours saved monthly on HR admin
Different nationalities hired
Meet Palm NFT Studio
Palm NFT Studio 賦予藝術家、品牌和粉絲在鏈上建立深度社群的能力。他們是一群軟體開發人員、產生式藝術家、故事世界創作者和策略師。他們的業務涵蓋 web3 技術和創意製作的所有面向。他們在注重永續發展的 Palm 網路上共同建立了一些最大、最活躍的 Web3 社群。Palm 網路是一個與 Ethereum 相容的側鏈,旨在成為 NFT 新的可擴展和永續生態系統的基礎。
They’re on a mission to find the next generation of engagement by partnering with various brands and artists to build the most open, inclusive, creative, and sustainable company in web3.
Managing a global team: The search for effective solutions
Palm NFT Studio’s 100% remote team is spread across seven different countries so managing their international workforce wasn’t a straightforward process. The People and Talent team was facing complex global hiring and management challenges and needed a comprehensive solution to stay compliant with local laws and regulations.
Palm NFT Studio’s dream platform would efficiently manage the entire employee lifecycle, including running payroll, fast onboarding, managing expenses, paid time off, and terminations. Additionally, the team needed a cost-effective solution that could navigate the nuances of the laws of different regions and countries.
After thorough research, the People and Talent team realized Deel was the perfect solution to meet their requirements with a centralized platform that simplifies their global workforce management while facilitating compliance with local laws.
在 Deel 中找到完美答案
Deel 在協助 Palm NFT Studio 的人事主管 Anita Smith 從一個平台管理整個員工生命週期,並解決管理遠距國際團隊的挑戰上發揮了重要作用。Deel 的自動化功能是一大優勢,因為它消除了手動流程,使人事和人才團隊的工作更高效。該團隊從多項功能中獲益良多,這些功能包括從入職到有薪假、從薪資到法令遵循,以及合約修正。
The PTO functionality is a game-changer for Palm NFT Studio's People and Talent team, streamlining the time off management process in every country. Before Deel, the team was manually computing each country’s holidays and tediously ensuring each individual worker received the necessary time off. Now, employees can easily take time off for their local holidays, freeing up the team's time and effort.
They also find the onboarding process highly efficient and fast, “I would say that just in the onboarding alone, I’d have to hire another person to handle that if it wasn’t for Deel, so it saves the company time and money,” said Smith. They also love the platform’s individual profiles for each team member, which simplifies management.
Deel’s payroll process is cost-effective and has significantly reduced the workload for the internal finance and accounting lead.
Deel's global knowledge base has been invaluable to the People and Talent team, especially in navigating the nuances of different countries' laws, including information about benefits, parental leave, and other relevant information. This information saves the team a lot of time and effort in researching and ensures that they have the correct information.
他們感謝 Deel 團隊所提供的支援。考慮到與國際團隊合作的複雜性,這種支援特別有幫助。「「我 (在 Deel) 共事過的個人以及我共事過的團隊都非常出色。我問了很多問題,他們都非常友善,不厭其煩,」」Anita 說。
Overall, Deel's comprehensive solution has made the People and Talent team's work much easier, allowing them to focus on their core responsibilities while ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations.
Leveraging reporting features for a diverse and happy workplace
藉由 Deel 的先進報告功能,Palm NFT Studio 團隊可以輕鬆地透過視覺化圖表和分析,存取並分析他們整個員工的數據,而無需離開 Deel 平台。Smith 解釋說,「我非常欣賞資料的呈現方式,讓我更容易探索和擷取相關資訊,從而做出更明智的決策」。人事和人才團隊受益於 Deel 的休假追蹤,讓他們能確保每位員工都維持健康的工作與生活平衡。
From a demographic and diversity perspective, Deel's reporting features allow Palm NFT Studio to analyze data from the number of employees in different countries, plus the number of EOR’s vs. Contractors to the access of tools and integrations that are available. The reporting feature helps give a quick view of the company’s diverse workforce that reflects the values and vision of the organization.
Overall, Deel's reporting features provide Palm NFT Studio’s People and Talent team with valuable insights and data to help them make informed decisions about managing their workforce. With Deel, they’re able to proactively identify potential issues and take corrective action to ensure that employees are happy, healthy, and productive.
「在 Deel 平台上,需要做的事情總是一目了然。我超愛那個。簡潔明瞭。如果有問題,可以使用聊天功能快速獲得解答。
—Anita Smith,
Head of People at Palm NFT