How Deel helps Slite bring on some of the best talent thousands of miles from France
認識 Slite
Founded in 2017, Slite started as a note-taking app and has matured into what, we feel, is the perfect communication tool for remote teams. It helps bring centralised information across space and time, even start new projects, and in the end it keeps everyone on the same page no matter where their location. Slite is a fully distributed team of 32 that all work remotely from 7 different countries (for now!) in 6 different time zones.
Finding the best talent
Slite has always been remote, but originally in a hybrid model, with a Paris office. When they came back from YCombinator, they started to hire quite a lot and wanted the absolute best people they could find, so they decided to put no geographical constraints.
對他們來說,遠端工作無疑將為他們打開一扇大門,讓他們能夠獲得在法國無法獲得或僱用的國際人才。但想要不費吹灰之力就引進這些人才似乎並不可行,這時,執行長 Chris 提出了 Deel。它為無憂合規的遠端招聘和約聘人員無縫入職提供了答案。
瞭解到他們可以使用不同地區的法遵合約、管理薪資並提供包括加密貨幣在內的簡單支付方式後,他們毫不猶豫地選擇了 Deel。
When they first onboarded with Deel, they only had one person to bring on, so the process didn't take very long. As far as the experience, it was speedy, easy, and very straightforward. Now, they've onboarded 17 team members with Deel EOR and Deel Contractor Management across 12 countries, including a full-time employee. It's helped them bring on some of the best talent thousands of miles from France. Their product and vision continue to get better with the evolving blend of talent and diversity.
Time is money. Slite is saving both.
根據國家/地區的不同,管理薪資需要花費若干個小時,還需要幾天時間來仔細檢查和處理所有事情。「用了 Deel 之後,按幾個鍵就能進行薪資管理,相較於以前手動完成所有作業,這簡直太快了。
「至於法律費用,這個數字很難估計,因為我們還有其他法律需求需要解決。但舉個例子,如果我們想要負擔每份合約的所有基礎費用,包括各國/各地的具體法遵費用,每位新進約聘人員將花掉我們約 500 美元。若是員工,這個數字還會成倍增長。」