ThirstySprout 公司如何藉由 Deel 每次節省 7 到 10 小時的招募時間

Meet ThirstySprout
ThirstySprout builds remote engineering teams for companies in the US. They work with companies of all sizes, hiring talent from all around the world. Their team is comprised of 52 people, with full-time and part-time contractors from all over the world.
Global workforce hurdles
Before Deel, ThirstySprout was using a variety of platforms and tools to manage their global teams, like QuickBooks, BambooHR, and Hubstaff. However, it faced a lot of challenges for their HR needs.
The team found that although the HRIS they were using was designed for startups, it didn't quite fit their distributed-company requirements. “When we tried to step into the shoes of another well–known HRIS provider, they didn't quite fit. They were either too big or too small, and things were clunky.” Stepania explained, “Their product was for startups, but it was developed years ago. Now, in the world of remote work, startups are completely different.”
It wasn’t just the platform’s inability to manage international teams, it was the confusing documents and policies management experience as well. Plus, the platform couldn’t handle ThirstySprout’s need to ramp people up and down quickly.
切換到 Deel
ThirstySprout 公司創辦人 David Stepania 需要一種更好的方式來管理其全球團隊的人力資源需求,並被推薦給 Deel。「該公司創新和推動更新的速度給我們留下了深刻的印象。[所以]我們放棄了之前的供應商並轉而使用 Deel,」Stepania 說。
Thriving with an all-in-one platform
ThirstySprout 升級到 Deel 以全面管理其約聘人員、付款、上傳文件、政策、合約等。「我們使用了許多不同的工具,現在我們正嘗試將所有內容整合到 Deel 中。對我們來說,能夠一站式支付約聘人員薪酬並管理人力資源,真是解決了大麻煩。這讓事情變得順利。」Stepania 表示。
ThirstySprout 也使用 Deel Engage 來簡化 PTO、增加推薦並自動化入職流程,而無需離開 Slack。根據 ThirstySprout 的說法,Deel 透過自動化合約建立和簽署,將入職和離職時間從 7 到 10 小時縮短至 7 到 10 分鐘,並提供了一個安全友好的地方來儲存合約和法遵文件。
ThirstysProut 在 Deel 中找到了解決方案。 該平臺節省了時間並提高了 HR 流程的效率。 ThirstySprout 對 Deel 未來繼續為其公司提供有用功能的能力充滿信心。 它讚揚了 Deel 的創新速度和快速找出下一個關鍵問題解決功能的能力。 Stepania 稱讚 Deel 表示:「公司內部的創新速度令人驚嘆。 我認為他們所做的工作是我在所有其他新創公司中見過的最好的工作之一。
「我們的大部分工作都是在 Slack 中完成的,這足以說明 Slack 的整合功能和易用性有多麼出色。現在,團隊無需再登出,也無需前往 HRIS 系統輸入他們的資訊。他們只是使用 Slack 它,突然之間,一切都被記錄和同步了。
—David Stepania,
Founder at ThirstySprout