Deel 如何简化 Tiny Studio 的全球员工管理流程

Different countries employees hired
Yearly savings in HR processes
Saved in salaries
HR processes streamlined
Redefining the process of buying companies
Tiny Studio was founded to redefine acquisitions by offering fair, swift, and founder-friendly deals. With over a decade in the industry, it has become a trusted partner for founders seeking efficient exits who prioritize their teams and maintain company culture.
Opening up to a global talent pool while staying compliant
In its early stages, the co-founders of Tiny Studio envisioned it as a remote company, believing that a global workforce offered distinct advantages over a location-bound setup. The primary motivation was the opportunity to tap into the international talent pool and find top-notch candidates who were not only skilled for the job but also aligned with the company culture.
Recognizing the complexity of managing a dispersed team, it sought a partner capable of navigating the complexities of global hiring. The Tiny Studio team knew they needed to ensure contractual compliance across different countries while maintaining operational simplicity through one platform where they could easily handle and manage their workforce. Deel emerged as the clear solution, allowing the team to realize their vision for a remote company through streamlined global HR.
An all-in-one platform for all things international HR
Deel provided the specific services Tiny Studio needed to hire international talent hassle-free, while also managing various HR processes on one platform.
随着 Tiny Studio 团队的扩大,包括来自五个以上国家的二十多名合作者,Deel 在精简业务、节省时间和资金方面发挥了关键作用。Tiny Studio 首席执行官 Oliver Low 强调了该平台的影响,他表示:“Deel 使我们能够在短时间内雇佣和管理大量员工,同时还节省了资金。如果是以前,我们很可能需要雇佣更多的人来协助这些流程。”
Tiny Studio 的团队需要一个工具来有效地集中管理所有员工信息,以跟上公司的发展。事实证明,Deel 是不可或缺的,它允许快速访问合同、地点、任期、工资和奖金。
有了 Deel,我就放心了,因为我可以轻松获得全面的仪表板,并从团队的任何方面访问我需要的数据。
—Oliver Low,
Tiny Studio 首席执行官
One powerful platform, plenty of savings
Tiny Studio 通过 Deel 节省了大量时间和成本。据 Low 称,“根据我在这家公司和其他初创公司的经验,我每月需要花费一天以上的时间来处理与人力资源相关的任务和工作,而现在我只需不到 30 分钟就能完成所有这些工作。”此外,该公司成功地扩大了团队,同时由于在不同国家采用了不同的招聘方式,每年可节省超过 50 万美元的工资。
这种战略方法不仅促进了团队的成长,还优化了运营效率。通过利用 Deel 的平台和支持,Tiny Studio 无需雇用额外人员来管理人力资源流程,每年至少可节省 4 万多美元的成本。Deel 通过提供卓越的客户支持来体现其对客户的承诺。Low 表示,“在客户支持方面,Deel 的表现非常出色。总是有人主动联系我们,提出建议,并在需要时提供帮助。”