EEG 如何透過 Deel EOR 管理其收購並吸收超過 30 名員工

認識 Esports Entertainment Group
Esports Entertainment Group 是一家全方位的電競與線上賭博公司,由快速成長的遊戲與電競活動所帶動。 他們的任務是將未來的體育娛樂與世界連繫起來,讓粉絲和遊戲玩家走到一起。 不只限於電玩遊戲,EEG 還與 NFL、NHL、NBA 和 FIFA 等職業球隊合作,在各級電競和遊戲領域都有相當的影響力。
Time-consuming payroll As a global company, Esports Entertainment Group ran a team of remote employees across marketing, business development, and product. Before Deel, they spent days manually working through excel spreadsheets to pay their team. The process was already unmanageable internally, but managing acquisitions added even more obstacles to the equation.
EEG 發現,使用 DocuSign 代理商和電子郵件,很難對新合約和公司新增內容保持完全透明。 簽名文件的副本必須手動存儲,並且大多數跟蹤都是通過電子錶格進行的。 一旦團隊開始壯大,這個過程就變得非常漫長,管理工作流程很快就變得不堪重負。
Rocky 入職 隨著最近收購 Helix eSports 和 ggCircuit,EEG 吸收了來自不同國家的 30 多名約聘人員。他們需要想辦法為團隊新成員快速辦理入職,而且還需要一個平台來協助他們完成這個流程。除了手動管理現有團隊外,團隊新成員的到來也帶來了新的挑戰,使他們當前的問題更加複雜。
After coming across an ad for Deel on Facebook, the team realized it was the perfect solution. Deel EOR and Deel Contractor helped facilitate EEG’s onboarding of the entire team and provided a solution to centralize all their global payroll. With locally compliant documents and flexible payment options, Deel transformed days of work into a few hours and made managing acquisitions a breeze. Since then, EEG has onboarded 48 team members, spanning 20 different countries.
Mergers and acquisitions can be a logistical behemoth. Acquiring team members from different countries you may not have entities is often a rocky road, and it can be difficult to provide them with a positive employee experience, and smooth onboarding. Deel EOR turns those challenges into a walk in the park. Deel centrally manages all compliance and documentation requirements, so EEG doesn’t have to worry about things getting out of hand when they acquire new team members.
The ease of use, simplicity, and efficiency of Deel Contractor and Deel EOR has helped them completely overhaul their payroll workflow and onboarding experience for new employees. Instead of taking months to set up entities, find local payroll providers, accountants, and local labor specialists, Deel turns the logistical nightmare of mergers and acquisitions into a dream come true.