Como a Mynewsdesk economiza 120 horas mensais com o Global Payroll da Deel

hero image


Hours saved weekly on payroll processing


Hours saved post integration


Salaries covered through Deel's Global Payroll


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Global Payroll

A empresa

O futuro das RP é impulsionado pela IA

Mynewsdesk is leading the PR and communication industry with its AI-driven platform, streamlining the entire PR journey towards a fully automated flow. Mynewsdesk is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and operates in Norway, Denmark, and Germany.

O problema

Do tempo perdido às soluções inteligentes

Mynewsdesk revolves around efficient and automated tools and solutions for their customers. However, they faced a significant challenge with their manual internal payroll administration. When Sandra Kiesel Lindberg took over as Chief People Officer at Mynewsdesk, she aimed to focus on value-adding tasks rather than administrative ones. "We work to strengthen our managers, our employees, and our corporate culture with a focus on engagement and empowerment. This may also involve changing processes adapted to a hybrid operation," says Lindberg.

It became clear that manual payroll management was consuming too much time, causing significant frustration. Lindberg's team had to devote all of their time to managing various systems and regulations to meet the diverse local requirements in the countries where Mynewsdesk operates. Eventually, the situation became unsustainable. "For me, it was an urgent problem that we needed to act on," says Lindberg. She initiated an efficiency-focused project to create a significant change.

Durante o processo, Lindberg descobriu a Deel Global Payroll, que oferecia soluções para o gerenciamento global da folha de pagamento — exatamente o que a equipe precisava. Com o Global Payroll da Deel, o tempo gasto na administração dos salários diminuiu drasticamente.

A solução

A truly adaptable solution

Mynewsdesk’s vision was to automate everything related to manual payroll administration to transform the unsustainable situation they were working in. “My expectation was that, through AI and good system support, we wouldn’t need to spend time manually transferring numbers from one system to another,” explained Lindberg.

As the team searched, Deel was unmatched in its comprehensive solution and flexibility. While Deel could offer adaptability, many other providers either lacked coverage in certain countries or Mynewsdesk had to adapt to their systems, which Lindberg found to be outdated. “Deel was willing to make adjustments based on our needs,” says Lindberg about Deel's API. The Deel API integrated seamlessly with Mynewsdesk’s HR system, saving both time and resources.

Os resultados

A Mynewsdesk economiza 120 horas mensais com o Deel Global Payroll

Thanks to Deel’s Global Payroll, Mynewsdesk has undergone a significant efficiency transformation. They have moved from having a full-time employee dedicated solely to payroll administration to now only needing to spend 4-5 working days on the same task. This amounts to a saving of about 120 hours per month.

Lindberg also highlights the competent and responsive support from Deel, which has been present throughout the entire process. “I feel that we have met very dedicated and committed people, and Deel has allocated all the necessary resources to ensure our needs and satisfaction.”

 "Automatizamos e simplificamos um processo administrativo que geralmente é muito pesado. Isso nos dá mais tempo para focar em atividades que criam valor. Essa solução tornou a administração muito mais simples."

Sandra Kiesel Lindberg ,

Chief People Officer at Mynewsdesk

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