
Hur Sendspark utökade sitt team globalt, problemfritt och enligt regelboken med Deel






North America

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Deel HR

The Company

Videos that do the heavy lifting

A new way to connect during the customer journey is here and sales reps at companies like Salesforce, LinkedIn, Stripe, Github, and Snowflake use Sendspark to create personalized video messages to drive engagement and build relationships. Get started with Sendspark for free to book more meetings from sales outreach, create short demos, walk through proposals, drive expansion, and more.


The decision to go borderless

In the early days of the company, the Sendspark team was located in San Antonio, Texas. Their CEO, Bethany Stachenfeld, used a US-based payroll company to process payments. Their process was very manual; Stachenfeld explains that that platform was “really limited”—it didn’t offer automated payments for global contractors nor allow global compliance management (plus it was prone to error).

At a certain point, the Sendspark team realized they needed to hire in countries outside of the US. ”We wanted to hire the best talent, the people most aligned with our company values and more skilled for the roles we needed to fill in,” says Stachenfeld, “it shouldn’t matter where they were born or where they were from. We realized we didn’t want to be limited by that.”

Hiring globally also presented Sendspark with a great opportunity for market expansion. With employees from around the world familiar with their country’s languages and cultures, Sendspark could better represent their global customer base as well as offer stronger support around the world.


Sendspark finds Deel

Their search began for a solution when they found an amazing CTO candidate in Mexico. However, Sendspark was unable to hire the worker themself, plus navigating local laws and creating compliant contracts proved to be daunting and time-consuming, which could cause them to risk losing the talent along the way. That’s when they found the platform to make a first international hire without any hassle: Deel.

Deel has eliminated all of the logistical challenges of building an international team. The internal teams really appreciate Deel as well, including the platform’s withdrawal flexibility, which solves a lot of issues for contractors from countries with currency limitations.

"We can just focus on finding the right people and know that all of the administrative work is done for us, including onboarding and payments to tax reports and the integration with our accounting software. Ultimately, it saves me a lot of time.”

Bethany Stachenfeld,

CEO at Sendspark


Results and looking forward

Deel was a game-changer for Sendspark, enabling them to hire in 5 different countries and create a more effective global expansion plan (they have a presence in over 70 countries today)—saving time with payment and contracts automation, and all of that with the peace of mind of being 100% compliant.

Looking forward, the Sendspark team plans to start using the EOR product to hire employees and provide them with localized benefits. They’re also exploring creating hubs in certain cities by utilizing the Global Mobility product to enable their team members to live in different countries where the hubs are located.

“It was great for me to see how fast Deel’s been growing and becoming more and more professionalized. Every person I’ve interacted with has been awesome, the support is always comprehensive and effective, and the platform is only getting better. I’m looking forward to continuing growing my workforce through Deel.” said Stachenfeld.

Deel gör det lätt som en plätt att utöka team på distans och internationellt





Över 200

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Deel Blogg

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USA:s lönelista


Deel Contractor of Record

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