MELD 公司远程团队如何通过 Deel 实现有效管理

Roles hired and managed with Deel
2 weeks
Saved on payroll admin processes
Hiring niche skills fast
MELD is a fast-growing start-up with a globally distributed team. It delivers software engineering services and creates Web3 tools for use on blockchains.
It requires talent with very specific skills. However, filling niche roles like blockchain developers, Web3 engineers and UI/UX designers is difficult in any market with talent shortages. MELD needed to broaden its search and hire globally.
It also needed its operations to focus on building the business and not dealing with multiple countries’ labor laws and compliance structures.
Managing a remote team compliantly
MELD was born to be global. The Founder is situated in Norway, the CTO is in Spain while the rest of the team is spread out between Southeast Asia and multiple locations in Europe. With the team located all over the world and a lean HR department, MELD found it challenging to handle each market's payroll obligations and compliance laws while staying up-to-date with the labor regulations of each country.
It also didn’t want to incorporate an entity in every single jurisdiction where each team member is located.
MELD needed a unified HR platform that would overcome these obstacles and streamline its operations.
“我们需要一种方法来确保合规地聘用合适的人才,并以最有效的方式进行管理。” says Lavinia Radu, Head of Human Resources. “With Deel, we can find and hire top talent fast, no matter where they live.”
A one-stop-shop platform that streamlines HR processes
Having a single platform not only efficiently manages team processes, but it also reduces costs and complexities in MELD’s HR technology stack.
Deel 凭借其全面了解国际法律法规、易于使用的平台以及响应迅速的客服服务脱颖而出。
Deel 简化了 MELD 的运营,并淘汰了多个基于手动的跟踪系统。MELD 现在在单一平台上管理每位员工,确保即使在远程办公环境中也能保持高效的工作团队。
"It doesn't matter where in the world our talent is based. Deel has removed all the pain points around contracts, onboarding, and paying our team. We're now more efficient, and we can focus on building our app as opposed to dealing with hundreds of employment matters.”
Efficiency and intuitivity
Deel 帮助 MELD 高效地管理他们的行政事务。他们的团队能够处理许多之前由人力资源团队负责的行政事务。
“利用 Deel 一站式解决一切问题。一旦交付定金并确定了时间表,您就可以期待一个有效的开始日期,所有合同都符合当地就业法规的要求,不会出任何差错。”Lavinia 说道。“Deel 的归档功能也非常棒。需要时调出合同或查看纸质记录非常容易。任何授权员工都可以随时自行操作。”
作为 Web3 领域的参与者,MELD 对 Deel 及其在成为远程团队人力资源的未来方面的高效性表示赞赏,并对业务运营的无缝发展有着相同的看法。
"I must congratulate Deel’s UI/UX team. I've been working in tech for the longest time; you don't want your user to go looking for things and trying to figure it out. You just want it to be so intuitive that you don't even have to think when using it, and Deel has done just that," said Lavinia.