Meet Taktile
Taktile 是一家 B2B SaaS 公司,其使命是成为世界领先的金融服务自动化决策引擎。作为一家远程优先公司,Taktile 致力于吸引世界各地的杰出人才。
Hiring the Best Talent from Anywhere
Taktile 的总部最初设在德国,他们发现很难寻找人才,但又受到地理位置的限制,找到的员工不愿意搬迁。于是,他们开始研究 EOR 模式。
“理想的解决方案就是找名义雇主来帮助我们在不开设当地实体的情况下,将各国/各地的所有杰出人才引入公司,” Taktile 公司人力资源运营主管 Valeria Rosati 解释说。
Ultimately this move saved them time and money and allowed people to join their team without moving to Berlin.
Getting visa support from Deel
Before working with Deel, Taktile used another EOR provider but faced issues that led them to look elsewhere. They found Deel delivered a better experience in a number of ways:
移民产品更成熟,覆盖范围更广(超过 25 个国家/地区)
与以前的提供商相比,Rosati 解释说:“Deel Immigration 的产品更加成熟,流程也更加先进”
With Deel’s in-house immigration team, all the application processes are handled, saving Taktile time and allowing them to focus on other operational tasks while tracking progress in the in-app tracker.
"We leave everything in Deel's hands ... but it is good to have transparency and a lot of visibility as to how the case is developing."
Since they began working together, Taktile has supported three employees through visa obtainment with Deel successfully sponsoring each visa—whether that’s relocations to another country or visa transfers within the same country. Taktile finds the process smooth, requiring little involvement on their end, since Deel’s team takes responsibility for their immigration needs.
借助 Deel,Taktile 公司无需开设实体,即可在各个国家/地区扩展业务和招聘人才,加快员工入职速度。对 Taktile 团队来说,Deel 已成为值得信赖的合作伙伴。在使用 Deel 改善 Taktile 全球招聘体验的过程中,表现突出的方面还有易用性和自助服务工具。Rosati 解释说:“不需要花太多时间去了解 [Deel] 是如何工作的——只需 5 分钟就能快速建档,而且其他功能也很快捷简便。”
Results and looking forward
In 2022, Taktile expanded its workforce from 12 to 60 employees. Given that it would have been difficult to find all that talent in Germany alone, the company was elated to broaden its search to include all of Europe and the US. This approach enabled Taktile to find the best fit for each position while ensuring a smooth onboarding process through Deel's 100+ owned entities.
Taktile is now expanding their presence in the US and looking to hire local candidates. They’ll use Deel to manage contracts and ensure compliance. Deel's expertise in US immigration will also come in handy to hire the best talent and ensure they have the necessary work authorizations.
“它使我们能够在全球范围内快速招聘,有一次,我们周三发出了录用通知,周五在 Deel 上签订了合同,到了下周一,这名新员工就已经开始上班了。”
—Valeria Rosati,
Taktile 公司人力资源运营主管